1D Ising model

Let us consider the 1D Ising model defined by the Hamiltonian

\[ \mathcal{H} = -\sum_i S_i S_{i+1} \]

with periodic boundary conditions.

When we update the \(i\)-the spin (using the procedure described in the previous section), the energy difference of the two states can be computed as \(\Delta E = E_\uparrow - E_\downarrow = - 2h\) with \(O(1)\) operations. Here, \(h = S_{i-1} + S_{i+1}\) is the effective magnetic field acting on the \(i\)-th spin from the other spins (i.e., the nearest-neighbor spins). Then, we take the state of \(S_i=1\) with a probability of \(1/(1+\exp(\beta \Delta E ))=1/(1+\exp(-2h\beta))\).

The values of the exponential function are precomputed and stored in memory to avoid expensive reevaluation.

using BenchmarkTools, Random
VERSION = v"1.5.2"

First simple implementation

Let us look at the implementation shown below. The function ising1d! attempts to update each spin niters times. This function will be compiled when it’s called for the first time. Thus, you must call it once before measuring its timings. Or, you can simply use the macro @benchmark in BenchmarkTools, which calles the function multiple times automatically.

function ising1d!(s, β, niters, rng)
    n = length(s)
    min_h = -2
    max_h = 2
    prob = [1/(1+exp(-2*β*h)) for h in min_h:max_h]
    #prob_f(h) = 1/(1+exp(-2*β*h))
    for iter in 1:niters, i in 1:n
        sl = s[ifelse(i == 1, n, i-1)]
        sr = s[ifelse(i == n, 1, i+1)]
        # h = -2, 0, 2
        h = sl + sr
        s[i] = ifelse(rand(rng) < prob[h-min_h+1], +1, -1)
        #s[i] = ifelse(rand(rng) < prob_f(h), +1, -1)

num_spins = 100
rng = MersenneTwister(4649)
s0 = rand(rng, Int8[-1, 1], num_spins)
β = 10.0
niters = 10^3

s = copy(s0)

# Run once to compile the function
ising1d!(s, β, niters, rng)

@time ising1d!(s, β, niters, rng)
@benchmark ising1d!(s, β, niters, rng) setup=(s = copy(s0))
  0.000437 seconds (
1 allocation: 128 bytes)
  memory estimate:  128 bytes
  allocs estimate:  1
  minimum time:     432.958 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      444.190 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        480.678 μs (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     1.269 ms (0.00% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

Exercise 1

Check how the performance is affected without precomuting the exponential function.

Complete implementation with measurement

Next, let us implement the measurement of observables such as magnetization and energy. The magnetization and energy can be updated simultanously with the update of the spin configuration, which costs only \(O(1)\) operations. If you compute the magnetization or energy from scratch, it would cost \(O(N)\) operations.

We explicity write the \(S_i\) dependence of the total energy as

\[ E(S_i) = - h S_i + E_0, \]

where \(h = S_{i-1} + S_{i+1}\) and \(E_0\) is a constant that does not depend on \(S_i\).

SpinState is a struct for storing a spin state and the values of associcated observables. The data stored in a SpinState must be consistent throughout a Monte Carlo simulation. It’s not allowed to redefine a struct in the top-level scope. Thus, the definition of the struc SpinState is wrapped in a module, to allow the redefinition of a struc. This is convenient for doing trial and error.

We also define functions for computing the energy and magnetization, which are used in many places.

# Wrap everything with a module to allow redefition of type
module MC

Composite type to represent a spin state
mutable struct SpinState

function energy(s)
    n = length(s)
    - sum((s[i] * s[ifelse(i == n, 1, i+1)] for i in 1:n))

Total magnetization
total_magnetization(s) = sum(s)

function SpinState(s)
    ss = SpinState(length(s), copy(s), energy(s), total_magnetization(s))

Sanity check
function sanity_check(ss)
    @assert energy(ss.s) == ss.energy
    @assert total_magnetization(ss.s) == ss.tot_mag

Take an object of SpinState as an input and update it in place.
function update!(ss, β, niters, rng)
    min_h = -2
    max_h = 2
    s = ss.s
    n = ss.num_spins
    prob = [1/(1+exp(-2*β*h)) for h in min_h:max_h]
    for iter in 1:niters, i in 1:n
        sl = s[ifelse(i == 1, n, i-1)]
        sr = s[ifelse(i == n, 1, i+1)]
        # h = -2, 0, 2
        h = sl + sr
        si_old = s[i]
        s[i] = ifelse(rand(rng) < prob[h-min_h+1], +1, -1)
        # Update observables with O(1) operations
        ss.energy += (si_old - s[i]) * h
        ss.tot_mag += (s[i] - si_old)


Let us perform a series of updates and check the consistency of the SpinState object.

ss = MC.SpinState(s0)
MC.update!(ss, β, niters, rng)
@benchmark MC.update!(ss, β, niters, rng)
  memory estimate:  128 bytes
  allocs estimate:  1
  minimum time:     445.644 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      466.555 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        506.253 μs (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     1.317 ms (0.00% GC)
  samples:          9872
  evals/sample:     1

We now measure these observables during a Monte Carlo simulation. Hereafter, \(\langle O \rangle_\mathrm{MC}\) denotes a Monte Carlo average of an observable \(O\).

Heat capacity/specific heat:

\[ C = \frac{\langle E^2\rangle_\mathrm{MC} - \langle E\rangle_\mathrm{MC}^2}{T^2} \]

Squared magnetization (\(\langle M\rangle_\mathrm{MC} = 0\) due to symmetries):

\[ M_2 = \langle M^2\rangle_\mathrm{MC} \]

Magnetic susceptibility:

\[ \chi = \frac{\langle M^2\rangle_\mathrm{MC}}{T} \]

As a prelude, we will create an “Accumulator” to easily store the results of multiple measurements of physical quantities.

module Meas

struct Accumulator

function Accumulator()
    Accumulator(Dict{String,UInt64}(), Dict{String,Any}())

Add a sample
function add!(acc::Accumulator, name::String, data)
    if haskey(acc.count, name)
        acc.count[name] += 1
        acc.data[name] += data
        acc.count[name] = 1
        acc.data[name] = copy(data)

Compuate mean
function mean(acc::Accumulator, name::String)
    return acc.data[name]/acc.count[name]


# Perform some tests
    acc = Meas.Accumulator()
    Meas.add!(acc, "obs1", ones(4))
    Meas.add!(acc, "obs1", fill(2.0, 4))
    Meas.add!(acc, "obs2", ones(4))
    Meas.add!(acc, "obs2", ones(4))
    @assert Meas.mean(acc, "obs1")  fill(1.5, 4)
    @assert Meas.mean(acc, "obs2")  ones(4)

We measure every niters_meas Monte Carlo steps. Every spin is attemped to be updated once in a signle Monte Carlo step. We skip the first ntherm measurements.

function solve!(ss, acc, β, nsweeps, ntherm, interval_meas, rng)
    if mod(nsweeps, interval_meas) != 0
        error("nsweeps cannot be divided by interval_meas!")
    # Thermalization steps
    MC.update!(ss, β, ntherm, rng)
    # Measurement steps
    for imeas in 1:(nsweeps÷interval_meas)
        MC.update!(ss, β, interval_meas, rng)
        Meas.add!(acc, "E", Float64(ss.energy))
        Meas.add!(acc, "E2", Float64(ss.energy)^2)

nsweeps = 100
interval_meas = 10
ntherm = nsweeps÷10
β = 1.0

ss = MC.SpinState(s0)
acc = Meas.Accumulator()
solve!(ss, acc, β, nsweeps, ntherm, interval_meas, rng)

println(Meas.mean(acc, "E"))
println(Meas.mean(acc, "E2"))

We measure the specific heat with varying the temperature.

nsweeps = 10^6
num_spins = 100

rng = MersenneTwister(4649)
s0 = rand(rng, Int8[-1, 1], num_spins)

Ts_mc = range(0.4, 2, length=10)

C_mc = Float64[]
for T in Ts_mc
    ss = MC.SpinState(s0)
    acc = Meas.Accumulator()
    solve!(ss, acc, 1/T, nsweeps, ntherm, interval_meas, rng)
    E = Meas.mean(acc, "E")
    E2 = Meas.mean(acc, "E2")
    push!(C_mc, (E2-E^2)/T^2)

Let us compare Monte Carlo results with the exact solution \(C/N = \frac{1}{T^2 \cosh^2(1/T)}\).

using PyPlot
Ts = range(0.1, 2, length=100)
exact_C(T) = 1/(T * cosh(1/T))^2
plt.plot(Ts, exact_C.(Ts), label="Exact")
plt.plot(Ts_mc, C_mc ./ num_spins, label="MC", marker="o")
plt.xlim([0, nothing])
plt.ylim([0, nothing])

Exercise 2

Measure the magnetic susceptibility and compare the results with the exact solution.

Type stability of Accumulator

Type safe is an important concept to achieve high performance with Julia (see officitial document). Actually, the Accumulator class implemented above is NOT type safe. Let us see how crtitical it is and how to improve on it. A convinient way to check the type stability of your code is using @code_warntype macro.

acc = Meas.Accumulator()
@code_warntype Meas.add!(acc, "obs1", ones(4)) 
::Core.Compiler.Const(Main.Meas.add!, false)

1 ─ %1  = Base
.getproperty(acc, :count)::Dict{String,UInt64}
│   %2  = Main.Meas.haskey(%1, name)::Bool
└──       goto #3 if not %2
2 ─ %4  = Base.getproperty(acc, :count)::Dict{String,UInt64}
│   %5  = Base.getindex(%4, name)::UInt64
│   %6  = (%5 + 1)::UInt64
│   %7  = Base.getproperty(acc, :count)::Dict{String,UInt64}
│         Base.setindex!(%7, %6, name)
│   %9  = Base.getproperty(acc, :data)::Dict{String,Any}
│   %10 = Base.getindex(%9, name)::Any
│   %11 = (%10 + data)::Any
│   %12 = Base.getproperty(acc, :data)::Dict{String,Any}
│         Base.setindex!(%12, %11, name)
└──       return %11
3 ─ %15 = Base.getproperty(acc, :count)::Dict{String,UInt64}
│         Base.setindex!(%15, 1, name)
│   %17 = Main.Meas.copy(data)::Array{Float64,1}
│   %18 = Base.getproperty(acc, :data)::Dict{String,Any}
│         Base.setindex!(%18, %17, name)
└──       return %17

In the above cells, you see many Any, which means that the Julia compiler failed to determine the type of some variable. It is always about striking a balance between performance and readability. Although I usually prefer the latter, it’s your choice. Let us see how badly the type instability affects the performance!

obs_val = ones(Float64, 100)
@benchmark Meas.add!(acc, "obs1", obs_val) 
  memory estimate:  896 bytes
  allocs estimate:  1
  minimum time:     188.622 ns (0.00% GC)
  median time:      192.631 ns (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        225.952 ns (4.53% GC)
  maximum time:     1.914 μs (81.71% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     641

You can see that measuring a Float64 vector with 100 elements takes only 400 ns. This unlikely affects the overall performance in practical calculation. However, if you are unhappy with any type instability (and small memory allocation), you could improve on it like this:

# Contribution from Markus Wallerberger at TU Wien
module Meas2

mutable struct Accumulator{T}

Accumulator(initial::T) where T = Accumulator(UInt64(1), initial)

Add a sample
function add!(acc::Accumulator, data)
    acc.count += 1
    acc.data .+= data

Compuate mean
function mean(acc::Accumulator)
    return acc.data/acc.count


# Perform some tests
    acc = Meas2.Accumulator(ones(4))
    Meas2.add!(acc, 2 .* ones(4))
    @assert Meas2.mean(acc)  1.5 .* ones(4)
obs_val = ones(Float64, 100)
acc2 = Meas2.Accumulator(obs_val)
@code_warntype Meas2.add!(acc2, obs_val)
@benchmark Meas2.add!(acc2, obs_val)
  #self#::Core.Compiler.Const(Main.Meas2.add!, false)

1 ─ %1 = Base.getproperty(acc, :count)::UInt64
│   %2 = (%1 + 1)::UInt64
│        Base.setproperty!(acc, :count, %2)
│   %4 = Base.getproperty(acc, :data)::Array{Float64,1}
│   %5 = Base.broadcasted(Main.Meas2.:+, %4, data)::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{1},Nothing,typeof(+),Tuple{Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1}}}
│   %6 = Base.materialize!(%4, %5)::Array{Float64,1}
└──      return %6
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     59.429 ns (0.00% GC)
  median time:      60.355 ns (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        67.315 ns (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     285.265 ns (0.00% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     973

The type instability and memory allocation have been removed at the price that you need to create an Accumulator object for each observable. Which one do you like more? It’s up to you.

This improved version can be used with a dictionary as follows.

meas = Dict{String,Any}()
meas["obs1"] = Meas2.Accumulator(obs_val)
@benchmark Meas2.add!(meas["obs1"], obs_val)
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     87.728 ns (0.00% GC)
  median time:      90.779 ns (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        100.237 ns (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     393.376 ns (0.00% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     956